Learning lessons for education from the use of results-based financing (RBF) in health

Learning lessons for education from the use of results-based financing (RBF) in health
Learning lessons for education from the use of results-based financing (RBF) in health


Learning lessons for education from the use of results-based financing (RBF) in health

March 2025

Percept | May 2022

The health sector provides an important knowledge base to draw on, both from the perspective of using RBF and in terms of the challenges it faces in ensuring quality service provision, particularly in LMICs. Poor quality of healthcare has been a key driver of poor health outcomes in LMICs. Similar to education, quality is often overlooked in favour of access to care, which remains at the top of national agendas. Beyond the access versus quality comparison, several other parallels exist between the health and education sectors. This project will leverage the lessons learned from RBF efforts in health systems. Specifically, this literature review focuses on the use of RBF for improved health worker performance.

For a brief summary of the literature review in the report, you can download the slidedeck.