Universal healthcare
Percept | July 2021 Percept has been working with the Inclusive Society Institute on engaging health-sector stakeholders in deep discourse on South Africa's path to Universal Health Coverage. This report is an attempt to ensure [...]
October 2021
Percept | November 2020 Percept has been working with the Inclusive Society Institute on engaging health-sector stakeholders in deep discourse on South Africa's path to Universal Health Coverage. This report lays out alternative pathways for [...]
November 2020
Percept | August 2020 Percept has been working with the Inclusive Society Institute on engaging health-sector stakeholders in deep discourse on South Africa's path to Universal Health Coverage. This report lays out the critical policy [...]
August 2020
Percept | July 2020 Percept has been working with the Inclusive Society Institute on engaging health-sector stakeholders in deep discourse on South Africa's path to Universal Health Coverage. This report reflects learnings that can be drawn from [...]
July 2020
Shivani Ranchod, Anja Smith and Jodi Wishnia| December 2019 Percept-Strategic-Purchasing-HASA-Policy-Brief-Series-Brief-7-201911Download In this brief… The prior briefs articulate the functions of the purchaser, and the requirements to realise a purchaser-provider split in South Africa. In this [...]
December 2019
Jodi Wishnia, Shivani Ranchod and Anja Smith| December 2019 Percept-Strategic-Purchasing-HASA-Policy-Brief-Series-Brief-6-201911Download In this brief… We discuss alternative ways to reimburse healthcare providers for services rendered. This is timely, given the introduction of a single purchaser in [...]
December 2019
Anja Smith, Jodi Wishnia and Shivani Ranchod | December 2019 Percept-Strategic-Purchasing-HASA-Policy-Brief-Series-Brief-5-201911Download In this brief… The 2019 revised NHI Bill uses the term accreditation to refer to the Fund’s own process of determining the eligibility of [...]
December 2019
Shivani Ranchod, Anja Smith and Jodi Wishnia | December 2019 Percept-Strategic-Purchasing-HASA-Policy-Brief-Series-Brief-4-201911Download In this brief… In this research brief we will explore rigidities in the supply-side including the geographical maldistribution of resources and structural impediments to [...]
December 2019
Jodi Wishnia, Shivani Ranchod and Anja Smith | December 2019 Percept-Strategic-Purchasing-HASA-Policy-Brief-Series-Brief-3-201911Download In this brief… We consider the differences between demand and need, and why understanding need is critical to delivering effective healthcare. We discuss the [...]
December 2019
Anja Smith, Jodi Wishnia and Shivani Ranchod | December 2019 Percept-Strategic-Purchasing-HASA-Policy-Brief-Series-Brief-2-201911Download https://www.hasa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Percept-Strategic-Purchasing-HASA-Policy-Brief-Series-Brief-2-201911.pdf
December 2019
Shivani Ranchod, Anja Smith and Jodi Wishnia | December 2019 Percept-Strategic-Purchasing-HASA-Policy-Brief-Series-Brief-1-201911Download In this brief… South Africa has been bruised by the capture, corruption and failure of large State institutions. It is therefore not unexpected that [...]
December 2019
Shivani Ranchod | December 2019 https://www.hasa.co.za/hasa_podcast/the-purchaser-provider-split-with-shivani-ranchod/
December 2019